Hello. Lovely to meet you.
At the behest of a dear, dear friend (http://www.trash-aesthetics
Well, where to begin? How about with some things I need to get off of my chest.
First, I am simply obsessed, in a very definite and potentially pathological way, with LOLCats.
I have a propensity to save all of the LOLCat photos that I am fond of to our computer, much to the chagrin of DF (I feel it's appropriate that, seeing as I am finally joining the ranks of the great unwashed, that I use Internet-speak to simplify my writing...so for the uninitiated, "DF" means "Dear Fiance")
I also have a habit of coveting items that I probably should not. Principally, very VERY expensive shoes. Like these:
Ahh, Gucci.
Let's see, what else can I tell you about myself? At the moment my method of funding my vices, shoe and otherwise, happens to be employment with LUSH Cosmetics. If you haven't heard of us, you should be ashamed of yourself. We make amazing products. You may have passed our shops in upscale malls and high streets in Europe; you probably sneezed upon doing so. We're the soap shop that looks like a green grocer. We specialize in being environmentally conscious, fresh, organic, free-range, fair-trade and cruelty-free. And unlike other cosmetics companies, those words mean something to us, beyond marketing slogans. I'd like it if you came to visit me sometime; I'm at the Somerset location.
Well, I suppose that's it for now. Next time, I'll expound on my newfound obsession with TheNest.com, and how I have a severe, chronic and terminal case of schadenfreude.
Well, Well, Well. Look who's entering the blogosphere. I'm thrilled. Foucault would be proud dear Jamie, and if he's not (cuz he's dead) than I AM. I FOR ONE will galdly tune in - for that matter I'll add you to my blog-roll (under the condition that you do what I always said you are very gifted at: WRITE). You can count on me to comment frequently on your musings. A word of unsolicited advice: I had a "Black" page for about a month, but the problem quickly became I would see stripes all the time when I concentrated on reading the page, I later had to change the color scheme to avoid the zebra stripes that were killing my eyes. I feel honored that I played a small part in the creation what will be a fun and smartly written blog. All the best.
Ah yes LOLcats, "licky foot" and
"peek-a-boo" have crashed the computer one too many times. I have had enough. "Ladies, why are you disrespecting Brett?" "Hmmm...I don't know maybe because he's Brett fucking Michaels?" Last time I checked it's not 1986.
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